\b0 The son of King \b \cf4 \ATXht11203 Laius\b0 \cf0 \ATXht0 of \b \cf4 \ATXht12006 Thebes\b0 \cf0 \ATXht0 and Quee
n \b \cf4 \ATXht11001 Jocasta\b0 \cf0 \ATXht0 , he is the hero of numerous legends that have become mixed up and superimposed. At the base of them all, however, lies the story of his having murdered his father and married his mother. The most famous acco
unt of his tragic fate is to be found in SophoclesÆs \i Oedipus\b \cf4 \ATXht1064 \b0 \cf0 \ATXht0 Rex\i0 .\par